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Saturday, April 3, 2021

Get Ready For The Sugar Rush!

Hey parents, carers and guardians - it is Easter eve.

Are you ready?

No, neither am I.

Oh the joys of springtime are wonderful aren't they, in a non sarcastic tone, I really mean that. 

I adore seeing the new buds, the flowers beginning to bloom and the warmer weather. Everyone seems so much happier and the days seem brighter....even in lock down!

Then, just as you are revelling in the new 'spring has sprung' glow, Easter turns up.

Now, I'm not talking about religion here, that's not the post I'm talking about, I ain't opening that can of interweb worms, I'm talking about the enormous amount of chocolatey, sugar laden, E-numbered delights that are bestowed on our delightful children.

Nope. there are no words to describe how our next few weeks will be panning out.

I just know you feel my pain. I hide the treats. If they are in view, there will be all manner of household scaffolding erected in an attempt to grab a chunk of chocolate, and that's just from the adults!

In all seriousness, don't you think these overpriced, hollowed out, thin moulds of an egg are the biggest rip off? Children are lured to the huge boxes of their favourite treat, for less weight than a normal bar of said delight, and us adults are paying more than ten times the amount.

Except we don't do we? 

The damn Easter Bunny does...he's such a fantastic creature! So kind!

So, over the last few years, as our little munchkins have grown, we have reduced the 'eatie treaties' and  brought in trainers.

It works like a dream! A bit of chocolate in hand, trainers on feet and off they go, into the garden for hours on end. They love them,

but not as much as me and papa do!

So, here's wishing you and your wonderful families a very happy chocolate laden, hyperactive, sugar fuelled Easter!


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